The Ultimate Female Superhero Team-Up: A Fantasy Draft


When it comes to assembling a team of the strongest and most capable female superheroes, the possibilities are endless. But if we had to narrow it down to a select few, here’s our fantasy draft of the ultimate female superhero team-up, along with a breakdown of each character’s abilities, power levels and past victories.

Round 1: Captain Marvel (Pick 1)

Ms Marvel
Captain Marvel soars into action in her latest comic book adventure. Source:

As the leader of the Avengers and one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel universe, Captain Marvel is a no-brainer as the first pick of the draft. With superhuman strength (able to lift up to 75 tons), flight, energy projection, and near invulnerability, she’s more than capable of going toe-to-toe with any villain or threat. Plus, her experience leading a team and her ability to inspire others make her the perfect leader for this squad.

Power level: 9/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 9/10

Past Victories: Defeated Thanos, Ronan the Accuser, Annihilus, and many more.

Round 2: Black Widow (Pick 2)

Black Widow
Black Widow takes out her enemies with precision and stealth in her latest comic book series. Source:

With her extensive training in espionage, combat, and weapons, Black Widow is a force to be reckoned with. Her agility, stealth, and marksmanship make her the ideal choice for infiltrating enemy strongholds and taking out key targets. Plus, her intelligence and resourcefulness make her a valuable asset in any situation.

Power level: 7/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Leadership: 8/10

Past Victories: Defeated Taskmaster, The Winter Soldier, and many more.

Round 3: Batwoman (Pick 3)

Batwoman stands vigilant in the shadows, ready to defend Gotham City in her latest comic book series. Source:

As a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, expert detective, and master of advanced technology, Batwoman is a valuable addition to any team. Her experience fighting crime in Gotham City makes her more than capable of handling any challenge thrown her way, and her leadership skills and strategic thinking make her a valuable asset in any battle.

Power level: 7/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Leadership: 8/10

Past Victories: Defeated The Court of Owls, The Riddler, and many more.

Round 4: Storm (Pick 4)

Storm harnesses the power of the elements as she takes on her foes in her latest comic book series. Source:

With her ability to control the weather, Storm is a powerful addition to any team. Her mastery over the elements allows her to create devastating storms and natural disasters, making her a formidable opponent in battle. Plus, her leadership skills and experience as a leader of the X-Men make her a valuable asset in any situation.

Power level: 8/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 9/10

Past Victories: Defeated Apocalypse, Magneto, and many more.

Round 5: Supergirl (Pick 5)

Supergirl, the might of Krypton, takes flight in her latest comic book series, ready to save the world. Source:

Supergirl is an alien with superhuman strength, speed, and durability, making her a formidable addition to any team. Her Kryptonian abilities, such as heat vision and super breath, make her a powerful asset in battle. Plus, her compassion and leadership skills make her a valuable member of the team.

Power level: 9/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated Reactron, Silver Banshee, and many more.

Round 6: Ms. Marvel (Pick 6)

Ms. Marvel, the teenage superhero, balancing her powers and responsibilities while fighting for justice and equality. Source:

With her ability to shape-shift and stretch her body to superhuman sizes, Ms. Marvel is a valuable addition to any team. Her powers make her incredibly versatile in battle, and her intelligence and resourcefulness make her a valuable asset in any situation. Plus, her relatable teenage perspective and her ability to connect with young readers make her a valuable asset in promoting the team.

Power level: 7/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated Taskmaster, The Inventor, and many more.

Round 7: Vixen (Pick 7)

Vixen, the powerful and confident hero, using her abilities to protect and defend her community. Source:

Vixen is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and master of the Tantu Totem, which allows her to channel the abilities of any animal. This makes her a formidable addition to any team, as she can adapt to any situation and environment. Plus, her compassion and leadership skills make her a valuable member of the team.

Power level: 7/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated Kuasa, the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man and many more.

Round 8: Mockingbird (Pick 8)

Mockingbird, the skilled agent and fierce warrior, using her intellect and combat training to defend the innocent and fight for justice.

Mockingbird is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, expert marksman, and master of espionage. Her intelligence and resourcefulness make her a valuable asset in any situation, and her ability to think on her feet and improvise in battle make her a valuable member of the team.

Power level: 7/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated The Ghost Rider, The Phantom Rider and many more.

This ultimate female superhero team-up is a force to be reckoned with, combining the strength, intelligence, leadership skills and past victories of some of the most powerful female superheroes in the comic book universe. This team could handle any situation, from battling intergalactic threats to taking down super-villains on the streets. It’s a dream team that would be a sight to behold in any comic book, movie or TV show.

Fantasy Draft’s Weak Links: Female Superheroes Who Are Good, But Not Great


Psylocke, the powerful telepath and skilled fighter, using her abilities to take on even the most formidable of foes. Source:

While Psylocke is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and wields powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities, her powers are limited by her need to maintain a psychic link with her opponents.

Power level: 6/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated Brother Blood, The Gentleman Ghost and many more.


zatanna female superhero
Zatanna, the powerful and mysterious magician, harnessing her skills to defend the innocent and fight for justice. Source:

Zatanna is a powerful sorceress with the ability to cast spells by speaking backwards, but her powers as the previous characters:

Power level: 6/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated Brother Blood, The Gentleman Ghost and many more.


huntress female superhero
Huntress, the skilled warrior and relentless vigilante, using her abilities to seek justice for the innocent and punish the guilty. Source:

Huntress is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and expert markswoman, but she lacks the superhuman abilities of other characters on the team.

Power level: 6/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Leadership: 7/10

Past Victories: Defeated Scarecrow, The Calculator and many more.


catwoman female superhero
Catwoman, the master thief and cunning strategist, using her skills and wit to outsmart her opponents and pull off daring heists. Source:

Catwoman is a skilled thief and hand-to-hand combatant, but her powers are limited to her physical abilities and her mastery of stealth.

Power level: 6/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Leadership: 6/10

Past Victories: Defeated The Joker, Hush and many more.

Power Girl

supergirl female superhero
Power Girl, the powerful and confident hero, using her Kryptonian abilities to protect and defend the innocent. Source:

Power Girl possesses superhuman strength, speed, and durability, but her powers are limited compared to other Kryptonians and her leadership skills are not as well-developed as other characters on the team.

Power level: 7/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Leadership: 6/10

Past Victories: Defeated Ultraman, Superwoman and many more.

While these characters may not be as powerful as the others on the team, they still have valuable skills and abilities that make them valuable assets in any situation. They are great characters but in a fantasy draft, the other characters would be a better pick.

Ladies of Power: The Ultimate Female Superhero Draft Recap & Final Roster

female superhero
non-official fan art

The ultimate female superhero team-up fantasy draft features some of the strongest and most capable female superheroes from across the comic book universe. The top picks include Captain Marvel as the leader and powerhouse of the team, Black Widow as the skilled spy and markswoman, Batwoman as the expert detective and strategic thinker, Storm as the master of the elements and leader, and Supergirl as the Kryptonian powerhouse with a strong sense of compassion.

On the other hand, the weak links of the draft include Psylocke, Zatanna, Huntress, Catwoman and Power Girl. While they all have valuable skills and abilities, they lack the physical strength and abilities of the top picks, and their leadership skills are not as well-developed.

Overall, this ultimate female superhero team-up draft combines the strengths, intelligence, leadership skills and past victories of some of the most powerful female superheroes in the comic book universe. This team could handle any situation, from battling intergalactic threats to taking down super-villains on the streets. It’s a dream team that would be a sight to behold in any comic book, movie or TV show.